Number of Metro Inc. locations in Canada in 2024

Last updated on September 25, 2024

How many Metro Inc. locations are there in Canada?

There are 323 Metro Inc. locations in Canada as of September 25, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Metro Inc. locations in Canada is Quebec, with 191 locations, which is about 59% of all Metro Inc. locations in Canada.


How can I download a list of Metro Inc. locations in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 323 Metro Inc. locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Provinces and Territories without any Metro Inc. locations

These provinces and territories do not have any Metro Inc. locations

  • British Columbia
  • Yukon
  • Alberta
  • Nunavut
  • Northwest Territories
  • Saskatchewan
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Manitoba

There are 11 provinces and territories without Metro Inc. locations in Canada

Cities with the most number of Metro Inc. locations in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Montréal Quebec 30
Québec Quebec 15
Toronto Ontario 12
Ottawa Ontario 10
North York Ontario 8
Laval Quebec 7
Gatineau Quebec 6
Mississauga Ontario 6
Scarborough Ontario 6
London Ontario 5

Metro Inc. vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Metro Inc.   vs   No Frills 288 ( -35 locations than Metro Inc.) 9 (+7 states than Metro Inc.) 170 ( -7 cities than Metro Inc.)
Metro Inc.   vs   Sobeys 236 ( -87 locations than Metro Inc.) 9 (+7 states than Metro Inc.) 151 ( -26 cities than Metro Inc.)
Metro Inc.   vs   Foodland 211 ( -112 locations than Metro Inc.) 5 (+3 states than Metro Inc.) 205 (+28 cities than Metro Inc.)
Metro Inc.   vs   Save On Foods 187 ( -136 locations than Metro Inc.) 5 (+3 states than Metro Inc.) 91 ( -86 cities than Metro Inc.)
Metro Inc.   vs   Maxi 184 ( -139 locations than Metro Inc.) 1 ( -1 states than Metro Inc.) 127 ( -50 cities than Metro Inc.)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Metro Inc. with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Metro Inc. Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Metro Inc. locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Metro Trois-Pistoles 634 Rue Richard Route 132 Est Trois-Pistoles QC G0L 4K0 418-851-2044 48.122072 -69.164364 634 Rue Richard Route 132 Est, Trois-Pistoles, QC, G0L 4K0 Canada 2024-09-25
Metro Plus Lebel La Pocatière 615 1e Rue La Pocatière QC G0R 1Z0 418-856-3827 47.365673 -70.03737 615 1e Rue, La Pocatière, QC, G0R 1Z0 Canada 2024-09-25
Metro Central 3663 Tecumseh Rd E Windsor ON N8W 1H8 519-948-2966 42.30517 -82.97944 3663 Tecumseh Rd E, Windsor, ON, N8W 1H8 Canada 2024-09-25
Metro Plus Beaulieu Ste-Julienne 1535 Route 125 Sainte-Julienne QC J0K 2T0 450-831-2166 45.966081 -73.712039 1535 Route 125, Sainte-Julienne, QC, J0K 2T0 Canada 2024-09-25
Supermarché Claka Inc 1625 Rue Du Marais Québec QC G1M 0A2 418-688-1441 46.81479 -71.28869 1625 Rue Du Marais, Québec, QC, G1M 0A2 Canada 2024-09-25
Marché Dorion Inc 1955 Rue Ste-Catherine Est Montréal QC H2K 2H6 514-525-5090 45.523869 -73.551926 1955 Rue Ste-Catherine Est, Montréal, QC, H2K 2H6 Canada 2024-09-25
Metro Adelaide 1030 Adelaide St N London ON N5Y 2M9 519-672-8994 43.00735 -81.24072 1030 Adelaide St N, London, ON, N5Y 2M9 Canada 2024-09-25
Metro Meadowvale 6677 Meadowvale Town Centre Circle Mississauga ON L5N 2R5 905-826-2717 43.58278 -79.75966 6677 Meadowvale Town Centre Circle, Mississauga, ON, L5N 2R5 Canada 2024-09-25
Metro Finch & Church 20 Church Ave North York ON M2N 0B7 416-224-2600 43.77409 -79.41315 20 Church Ave, North York, ON, M2N 0B7 Canada 2024-09-25
Metro Richelieu Inc./Berthierville 230 Rue Notre-Dame Berthierville QC J0K 1A0 450-836-2044 46.09072 -73.17809 230 Rue Notre-Dame, Berthierville, QC, J0K 1A0 Canada 2024-09-25

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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